Thursday, May 17, 2012

St Michael's is Bust

Oh well the weather gods won this round...again. With the St Michael's round now being moved to slightly later in the year (instead of Oxford) maybe just maybe we will get the weather we need this time.

St Michael's or Bust

Well its that time again. Its the St Michael's round of the BMAA National Comp and the weather for the weekend is looking less than perfect unfortunately.

I think I could get there OK but its the getting back that concerns me at the moment, potential heavy rain and gusts of 30mph+ make for far from ideal circumstances.

It will be a pity if St Michael's has to be cancelled again particularly as for once I 'm actually free on the dates. I've wanted to do some flying around the Lakes etc for 3 years now and there always seems to be something preventing it, weather, work, family commitments etc.

Oh well if it does get cancelled at least some of the route planning won't have been in vain as I should be able to use some of it for when we have a crack at the Round Britain Rally in June....better start preying to the weather gods now.

The sunset looks lovely but the clouds less so. Oh well I guess the decision will be taken early tomorrow so lets hope that the forecasters have got it badly wrong!